Somehow the rain didn’t stop many from doing whatever they wanted to do today! Several of the group had private lessons. It is Jayne’s birthday so she treated herself to a hair trimming and a pedicure. I think Claudia went to the museum. So many were busy anyway. And it gave me a chance to catch up a little bit on a few items.
Here is a link to some more pics from the week.
I thought I would spend some time commenting a little on the types of milongas we have been going to this trip. My assistants picked the milongas very well this year. The group as a whole has been dancing a lot. That’s the purpose and I’m very happy about that.
Some of the group has opted to do many things on their own and I think this is fabulous as well.
Delisa has been taking so many fantastic pictures and I hope I will have a link to them as well. They are so beautiful and such a great view of the city through her eyes.
The visit yesterday to the Palacio Barolo – – was really interesting. The view from the top was amazing. A clothing store called Tango Moda is located there. How interesting to have a tango clothing store at the very top – a nice place to go to work! Some of the group bought some clothes there so that was great too!
The shop is quite small but their in house tailor is there and the access to 2 terraces for dancing or for a parrilla are there AND A GREAT VIEW! They gave us a glass of wine – and the ladies and the gents went at it! They have a couple of dressing rooms and it was kind of fun! And of course bartering is always key and Rommel is super good at that… I have seen his mom in action and know he refined his skill from her!
Good looking gang!!! Ryan, Katie, Delisa, Earl, Claudia, Jayne, Linda, Lydia, Joey, Lu, Michael, Kaitlin, Romme and I on the roof at the Palacio Barolo and the end of our shopping there.
Tonite we are off to an early milonga at Cachirulo – Maiupu 444. And hopefully it won’t be too much of a challenge to get there. Then I think there is a small group who really wants to go to La Viruta for late night tango. So we’ll see how it goes!