Farewell Practica and Milonga for Rommel Oramas

Many have heard had that my partner, Rommel Oramas is heading out of town. He is off to pursue some life adventures including spending a little time training in Buenos Aires. He has been a very active participant in the tango community since his move here from Sedona 5 years ago. He always makes people feel welcome and with his generosity and patience made a point to dance with everyone. And it’s not just about dancing with everyone but dancing and listening to them. If I quote Rommel, “Tango is always a 2 way street if you want it to be. I meet someone at their level and in return we get the opportunity to improve our dance.”
You will have 2 opportunities to send him off. Please feel free to bring food or drink.

Tuesday November 6th  PRACTICanDo at SNAP will be Rommel’s last practicando and then I will continue it.
7pm – 8:30pm Technique and Paso class
8:30pm – 11:00pm PRACTICA
$15 class+ practica
$10 class
$10 practica
SNAP 4425 N Granite Reef Road
Scottsdale, AZ 85251

Saturday November 10th Special Farewell Milonga
8:00pm – 1:00am
Bring some food or drink and a chair (there is limited seating at Rhythmic Expression)
Rhythmic Expressions 617 S. McClintock Dr. Ste 3, Tempe, AZ

(Just north of University on the East side of McClintock. Look for McClintock Center)

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