Because Tango is all about connection, a good place to start is with yourself, connecting to the floor and to the music. Everything prepares you for connecting to your partner.
Argentine Tango Classes Live and Online
Ready to up-level your Argentine Tango dancing skills? Get on Daniela’s schedule for a 30 min complimentary assessment to create a plan that’s best for your dancing goals!
Register for Tango 1
May – June 2023

Live and Online Private Classes or Coaching
Private and Semi Private lessons
A private lesson may include posture, technique, embrace, figures/steps, sequences, skills for social dancing and preparing for tango competitions.
Lessons can be for all levels: Introduction, Intermediate and Advanced levels
Introduction To Argentine Tango
Get you and your partner dance floor ready. Learn the basic steps for social dancing as well as etiquette and embrace. These steps includes: walking, forward and side steps, baldosa, outside and inside partner, balanceos, la salida basica, cruces, understanding the “systems”.
Intermediate Dancers
Learn how to execute ochos (front and back) as well as molinetes. Or taking those ochos and molinetes to the next level.
May include: sacadas, boleos, ocho cortado, adornos.
Advanced Dancers
How’s your musicality? How’s your technique? Are you dancing the way you want to dance?
Salon Competition Training Package
Ready for the next Tango Salon Competition? Package is designed just for you and your partner to up level your performance in the competitions. Book a consultation
Ready to up-level your Argentine Tango dancing skills?
Get on Daniela’s schedule for a 30 min complimentary assessment to create a plan that’s best for your dancing goals!